Senior Pet Wellness Plans
As we get older our bodies start to complain a bit more. We start to get aches and pains and require annual medical check-ups. The same is true for our pets and as they age at a faster rate than us, medical issues can rapidly develop without you noticing. Diagnosing and treating geriatric conditions early offers the best chance of successful outcomes.
If you love your older pet call us about our Senior Wellness Check-Up Plan. We recommend twice yearly screening for geriatric diseases as pets age to ensure they have long and happy lives as they grow older.
Why Have A Senior Wellness Plan Check-Up?
When your pet has a Senior Wellness Check-Up we will screen for these conditions and treatment plans or specialised diets can be used to manage or treat these geriatric conditions. For your senior pet we recommend annual vaccinations, 1/2 yearly health checks, yearly blood test, yearly urine test, as well as a blood pressure check. Not doing so can adversly affect them later on in life. Pets cannot tell us if they are suffering and many hide treatable age related conditions without us realising. Senior Wellness Check-Ups are the only way to truly look after our senior pets.